I tried a couple of years ago to start a blog. Yeah one entry and that was that man. So here I am again blogging (I really hate that word). Why? It's mostly because I am now responsible for getting some content pod-casted, and I noticed that blogging was by-far the easiest and cheapest way to accomplish this. I also read an article on how some bloggers are making an income on just having a web presence. Like the one that is done close to where I live. Dooce. I have no idea why people love the site so much. The writing is ok, but not that captivating. I have some other friends that blog like TDK (like a male version of the Dooce chic, but better).
I am sure people are not interested in me at all, but could be interested in some of the things I come across. So I guess I will share, and if you don't like it that’s cool, if you do, even cooler. I won’t make any money from this blog and I certainly don't want invitations on finding out how I actually can (presumably by spending a lot of my own money to go to a seminar, and find out how to host seminars on making money with your blog. Its the oldest trick in the book, I fell for it once when I was like 15, glad I learned then and not later on with a lot more money at risk).
You will see that I use parenthesis a lot and spell check never. I don't have ADD, but I do think in tangents all of the time. I am not a writer by any means ("obvious" you say). Although, I am a thinker (thank-you Glenn Beck) If that were true, I would have come up with something else just as clever to get the same point across... Hey, I just did.
I enjoy humor and wit, and I try to avoid depressing chatter, but not depressing topics. I think topics that depress us are important to discuss, and challenge us to temper our optimism.
Here is a little Bio, in case you wanted to know something about me:
Born in 1975 in Los Angeles, California (please never say Cali, or "The O.C.", so-Cal is OK but I coined lo-Cal a while back just to set myself apart from the Cal pride people from places like 619 or 714).
My family moved to San Diego when I was 5 and I was there all the way through High School. I liked it a lot. I am a member of the LDS faith and served a mission in Porto, Portugal from 95-96. I came back from my mission and got a real job and realized that San Diego was not going to be the place I would want to live and work, mostly because of the rat-race I was living in, commuting to a job 15 miles away and spending over 2 hours a day making that commute. Around the time I was making that decision, I met my wife. She was going to grad-school in Utah, and I had a lot of family/connections there, plus I had ambitions to go and finish School at BYU. That, much to the dismay of my father, never happened.
I began my career in IT, and have never really looked back. While my wife has both a Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree, our earning power was about equal. I lost the vision of the "value" of a degree, notwithstanding the value of an education; I have since declared myself an Autodidact. If I were to go back to college it would be in the singular pursuit of a JD.
So here I am a married man, with an incredible son (more about him later). I am also excited to be having a daughter in a few months. Family life is the greatest thing I can ever hope to be successful at. I have my challenges but I am excited to carry on and improve.
I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2005, but have been in remission since my radiation therapy. That was a low point, but not the lowest in my life.
I enjoy family life, spending time with them. I don’t have a lot of free time to dedicate to hobbies. I probably can’t just pick one and stick with it anyway, too many things fascinate and compel me. I am good at what I do for a living and that is very satisfying. I have wonderful clients and they inspire me to work hard and deliver my best to them.
I like to travel, but seldom do lately (little kids make it almost impossible). I like sports, but unfortunately never participate in any at this point in time. That needs to change, really soon too.
So enough boredom for you, I will try to post again soon.